Campus Expression Policy

Mount Mercy University is committed to creating a thriving intellectual experience for our students, employees, and community. The ability to express oneself freely, debate vigorously, and engage deeply with differing viewpoints is essential to our mission.

Our policy

Mount Mercy University is committed to free and open inquiry. We seek to develop reflective judgment in our students.

The Campus Expression Policy outlines our commitments to our Catholic and Mercy heritage; academic freedom and freedom of expression; and diversity, equity, and inclusivity. We strive to provide access to a multitude of thoughts, viewpoints, and voices to all in our community. 

The full policy outlines narrow limitations of prohibited expression, protected spaces, and the process to address violations of the Campus Expression Policy.

View policy (PDF)

Campus expression complaint form

Please complete this form if you believe that there has been a violation of the university’s Campus Expression Policy. Your complaint will be sent to the Chair of the Campus Expression Committee for review.

Campus Expression Committee

  • Danielle Rudd | Dean of Students
  • Taryn DeBoard | Director of Marketing
  • Devlin Caldwell | Assistant Professor of Art 
  • Adam Myers | Assistant Professor of Philosophy
  • Lacey Ritter | Assistant Professor of Sociology
  • Amelia Frimml | Student Member
  • Brian McGrane | Student Member